Frequently Asked Questions
The answers to our most frequent questions about 3D Streetpainting (Anamorphic Painting) you can read on this page.
If your question is not there don’t hesitate to contact us!
3D street painting, what is it?
A painted image on the floor that creates the optical illusion of a 3d effect, where from a fixed viewpoint it looks like the image is part of the environment. The public can experience this illusion on the spot and be part of the painting, posing for a photo moment, making it an accessible art form to interact with.
How long does a 3D streetpainting stay?
It depends on use of material, surface, environmental and weather conditions.
How long does it take you to make a 3D streetpainting?
Depending on size, circumstances and number of artists usually between 2 and 5 days.
What kind of materials do you use?
We can use soft pastels, pigments and qouache for a temporary painting. For longer lasting art we can use wall paint or acrylics.
On what surface do you work?
On the streets the surface can be anything, as long as there are not too many bumps and cracks we can work with it. For inside or if there is no usable surface we can paint on vinyl, canvas, paper foil or wood.
Do you only work on the floor?
No, we have a lot of experience in murals and trompe-l’oeil and we can combine the vertical with the horizontal.
Do you make copies?
No, we want to make original art and do not repeat ourselves or copy others.
Who do you work for?
Any event that is interested in our form of street art. We also participate in international street art festivals.
What happens when it rains?
We get wet.
Please let us know if you have more questions on 3D street painting.